Thursday, November 24, 2022


I am Shida Katz, the author of Wisteraverse series and a polyglot currently residing in a verdant region along the borders of Germany, France, and Luxembourg. As someone who lives and breathes high fantasy, I can't imagine my life any other way. Nothing is as amazing as creating one's own world and getting to live in it.

I grew up with traditional fantasy books dominated by “pauper to prince” and the chosen cis white boy tropes where getting the girl was the prize. In my novels, I want to tell the story of those who weren’t destined for greatness, yet fight for their survival.

After obtaining my Ph.D. with honors in informatics, I spent several years as a university lecturer and scientist, publishing in various high-level journals and conferences. But as much as I enjoyed my work, it never gave me the gratification of writing a fantasy novel and sharing in the satisfaction my readers experience reading them.

Wisteraverse is the fruit of endless hours of outlining, drafting, writing, re-writing, revisions, and revising some more. And over a million cups of the finest bergamot tea have gone into the creation of this universe.

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